I started (really) hiking about a year ago. And I have now completed 25 different hikes in the area and logged over 150 miles.
I started hiking a lot by myself because it was something I wanted to get into, and none of my friends were really that interested. See my 3 Reasons To Hike Solo post.
Now, a year later, I figured I should do a little recap of what I have accomplished so far.
1. Heather Lake
| Mileage: 4.6 miles | Elevation: 1050 ft |
My mom and I took my nephew on this hike with the Cooper the cat. He actually hiked about half of it and went into the lake all on his own! Read more about it here.

2. Ashland Lakes
| Mileage: 6.0 miles | Elevation: 800 ft |
I mentioned wanting to hike on a day when none of my friends could go, so I went with my best friend’s boyfriend. I think we ended up doing closer to 8 miles after I took us on a little extra excursion up a waterfall. Read more about it here.
3. St Edwards
| Mileage: 3.0 miles | Elevation: 400 ft | solo
More of a trail walk than a hike, but it shows up on WTA and AllTrails so I’m counting it! This park is right by my house and is great for trail running and breaking in new boots.
4. Poo Poo Point
| Mileage: 7.2 miles | Elevation: 1860 ft |
We took a group of people out on Black Friday supporting REI’s #optoutside and made this trek with a bunch of other like minded folks. It was a great workout and I was so proud of my mom, who conquered right after recovering from pneumonia.
5. Rattlesnake Ledge (2)
| Mileage: 4.0 miles | Elevation: 1160 ft | 1 solo
My first time on this trail was just a few days after an accident I was in, but I needed to get outside. And it was snowy and gorgeous! My micro spikes definitely came in handy here.
I did this trail again a few weeks later with a friend of mine. Most of the snow was gone with the exception of very top. This girl has adventured with me through Puerto Rico, and is always up for anything.
6. Bridal Veil Falls
| Mileage: 4.0 miles | Elevation: 1000 ft | solo
Originally I was going to do Wallace Falls, but I wanted to get into some snow, and oh man I got it. There was a snow flurry that I got caught in and I didn’t even make to all the way to the falls.
7. Cherry Creek Falls (2)
| Mileage: 5.5 miles | Elevation: 450 ft | 1 solo
The first time I hit this trail it was pure magic. I had no idea this beauty was hiding so close to home. Read my post about it here.
The second time I hiked this trail, I took my mom and both of my nephews. It was the perfect hike for them and they loved it!

8. Heybrook Lookout
| Mileage: 2.6 miles | Elevation: 850 ft | solo
I didn’t have a lot of time this day, but I wanted something with a good view. Heybrook is a hike a will definitely do again. It would be perfect for sunset or sunrise, and easy to get to.
9. Twin Falls
| Mileage: 3.5 miles | Elevation: 500 ft |
The original trail was closed due to a storm, but we took an alternate route and were able to reach the falls with no issues.
10. Lime Kiln
| Mileage: 7.0 miles | Elevation: 625 ft |
My best friend and I opted for something easier since she hadn’t been out as often and we were bringing her pup. This ended actually being a really cool trail with the kiln at the end.
11. Franklin Falls
| Mileage: 5.0 miles (original trail head blocked by snow) | Elevation: 400 ft | solo
I didn’t realize that I wouldn’t be able to drive all the way to the trail head, so this trail ended up being twice the distance I was expecting. So much for the short little jaunt I was expecting.
12. Little Si
| Mileage: 4.7 miles | Elevation: 1300 ft |
My mom and I took 2 of our friends on this trail and we made sure to get there super early since this area gets packed on the weekend. The trail itself is actually one of my favorites. You’ll even get to see rock climbers coming and going.
13. Lake 22
| Mileage: 5.4 miles | Elevation: 1350 ft | solo
This one had been on my list for a while. I didn’t actually get a chance to walk all the way around the lake due to snow, but it was beautiful. There is a viewpoint 3/4 of the way up that would have made the trail worth it even without the lake.
14. Lake Serene & Bridal Veil Falls
| Mileage: 8.2 miles | Elevation: 2000 ft |
One of my friends is a total badass hiker and I was pumped to get outside with her. I had attempted Bridal Veil in the snow, so I was really excited to get to do this combo hike in better conditions. It ended up taking way longer than we expected, but it was gorgeous.

15. Wallace Falls & Wallace Lake
| Mileage: 10.5 miles (multiple routes) | Elevation: 1550 ft |
My mom organized a big group of people for this one. We decided that this was the perfect trail for all skill levels since there are different points of the falls to hike to, and then whoever braved it could continue to the lake. It ended up just being me and one friend making the full trek. The lake was quiet and beautiful. I wish we would have brought our swimmers since it was 92 degrees that day, but I will certainly make this trek for swimming next year.
16. Annette Lake
| Mileage: 7.5 miles | Elevation: 1400 ft |
Four of us girls went on this hike. It had also been on my list for a while so I was happy to finally check it off. There wasn’t much actual lake access, but we made the best of it and made friends with a few cute little chipmunks.
17. Cape Flattery
| Mileage: 1.5 miles | Elevation: 200 ft |
I convinced my friends to do a day trip out to the peninsula. We originally were going to hit a few waterfalls on the way, but opted to make the drive out to the cape since none of us had been out there before. I know it was supposed to be beautiful, but I was still blown away by it. Read more about it here.
18. Oyster Dome
| Mileage: 5.0 miles | Elevation: 1900 ft |
I was excited about this hike, knowing that it had a spectacular views of the islands. It was muggy that day, but we hustled up anyway with only one bee sting on the way. Our view was a little hazy, but we got the jist of it.
19. Snow Lake (2)
| Mileage: 7.2 miles | Elevation: 1800 ft |
My friend and I did this trail together twice. The first time we went, the lake was completely cased in fog. The hike was still great and kicked our butts just enough. We didn’t get the spectacular view we were expecting, so we vowed to go back on a nicer day again.
The next time we went, it did not disappoint. It was a gorgeous and we even went for a quick little dip in the freezing cold water. But it was worth it.
20. Talapus & Ollalie Lakes
| Mileage: 6.2 miles | Elevation: 1220 ft |
There were 4 of us prepped and ready to get in the lake on a hot day. But there was very little access to either of the lakes. The hikes itself was nice, but we were a little bummed overall.
21. Fragrance Lake
| Mileage: 5.5 miles | Elevation: 950 ft |
Believe it or not, one of my friends had never really been on a hike. I headed up north and we hike the trail. It was a pretty hike with a great viewpoint over the islands. Once we reached the lake, we changed and swam for a while. There was a group of people jumping off tree branches, but we weren’t quite that brave.
22. Saddle Rock
| Mileage: 2.0 miles | Elevation: 920 ft | solo
I headed out a day early for a weekend in Leavenworth with the girls. I got up early and made the extra 30 min drive to Wenatchee and hiked in the dark to catch the sunrise from this viewpoint. 100% worth the 4am alarm clock.
23. Lester Ghost Town
| Mileage: 7.5 miles | Elevation: 300 ft |
We wanted something a little different this day, so I found info about this on WTA. There was practically no elevation, but it was cool drive up the mountain and walk to the old town. We even met a park ranger that had some very interesting stories. Read more about it here.
24. Mount Pilchuck
| Mileage: 5.4 miles | Elevation: 2300 ft | solo
I had been saying for months that I was going to do this hike. So I took a Friday off that had a good forecast and headed up there on my own. I had done zero hiking the past 8 weeks, but had been vacationing and partying instead. Smart, I know. It didn’t help my endurance at all. But I made it and it was absolutely breathtaking. You get an incredible view from the fire lookout. Keep and eye out on Wanderlove for a piece about this hike.

25. Hansen Ridge (Little St Helens)
| Mileage: 6 miles | Elevation: 1200ft |
My cousin and I decided to go hiking, just 2 days after I hiked Pilchuck. I couldn’t decide if it was a terrible idea because I was going to be sore, or a good idea to work out those sore muscles. Turns out it was the latter. We found this quiet route and only ran into 1 other couple on the trail.
| Total mileage: 151.7 miles |
| Solo Hikes: 9 |
Some hikes were bigger and others were tiny, but I did them none the less. I also did a few of them more than once and a few additional hikes out of state.
Mt Pilchuck was tough, but reminded me that the work is always worth the reward.
I am so excited to take on some more serious trails this fall and winter!
I’m just so impressed that that cat got in the water! That cat is seriously up for adventure.
Here’s to way more hikes in 2017!
I couldn’t believe it either! He loved it though 🙂
Wow!This is very impressive and inspiring!Way to get it girl!I love all the pictures.I would like to start hiking do you recommend a certain trail for a beginner and preferably one close to bathrooms?
Most main trails will have bathrooms on site. On the Washington Trails Association website you can find hikes in your area that fit your experience level. I would stick with something 3-5 miles and 700-1200 ft of elevation to start with 🙂 There are several on my list that fit in that range, depending where you are at!
Well done! I love how you bring your friends and family along to share your passion. I’ve done lots of these hike, but there so many that I haven’t, so you’ve definitely inspired me!
Aw thats great! Its been an awesome year of exploring and I just signed up to do the 52 Hike Challenge 🙂